US-Botschaft ließ Dokumente über 11 Pentagon-finanzierte BIO-Waffenlabore in der Ukraine löschen. Hier kann man sie trotzdem (noch) lesen …

… am Ende der Artikel-Sammlung. Auf diesem Hintergrund muss man den Schlachtruf Bill Gates’: “Not Missiles! Microbes!” sehr ernst nehmen.

Danke an Claudia Karras, die mir die folgende spannende Sammlung von Artikeln von Pepe Escobar, John Pilger und Diana Johnstone schickte und die “trailer” übersetzt hat.. Bitte um Entschuldigung für die Dopplungen, die in der Eile passiert sind.

Jetzt hat ein Leser gemeldet, es seien 15 BIO-Waffen-Labore, davon 4 von Fauci finanziert. Wer kann es bestätigen?

HaBE noch eine Vorbemerkung:

Frage an die deutsche Friedensbewegung: hätte Putin nicht besser auf einen doppelten Sender Gleiwitz warten sollen? Also auf einen tatsächlichen Angriff von Nato-Verbänden aus Polen, Litauen auf Weißrussland oder die russische Föderation, z.B. auf Kaliningrad oder auf einen Angriff der ukrainischen Streitkräfte auf russisches Territorium? Aber das wäre ihm dann als „False-Flag“-Aktion ausgelegt worden. Mit gleichem, noch wütenderem Medien-Echo und Gleichsetzung mit Adolf Hitler. Das wäre dann der „doppelte Sender Gleiwitz“ gewesen.

Was Sabine Schiffer in ihrem telepolis-Artikel Blaupausen für die Ukraine | Telepolis ( vergisst, ist die Tatsache, dass in der Ukraine seit 2014 Krieg geführt wird gegen die russische Bevölkerung und alle Gegner des faschistischen Putschregimes. Weiterhin fehlt der Hinweis, dass mit der Begründung eines angeblich drohenden Ethnozides (Fischers „2. Auschwitz“) der Überfall auf Jugoslawien gerechtfertigt wurde. Jetzt soll die Entwaffnung der ukrainischen Faschisten ein Verbrechen sein. War es klug, auf Hitlers Angriffe zu warten, bevor man an seine Entwaffnung dachte? Seine Pläne dürften den Diensten nicht verborgen geblieben sein.


Den “Neuen Krefelder Appell” gegen die Kriege an der “Heimatfront” und die als “Auslandseinsätze” schöngeredeten Angriffskriege an der NATO-Ostfront, in Afrika, in Fernost, im Jemen, in Syrien usw… unterzeichnen , wie fast 5.000 bisher! Das geht sehr einfach hier: 

Den Kriegstreibern in den Arm fallen, online unterzeichnen –


Zelensky wurde vor allem von ethnischen Russen gewählt, die sich für Frieden mit Russland einsetzen…Versagen der zynischen Kräfte, die die Invasion provoziert haben…Dokumente v 11 vom Pentagon finanzierte Biolabore in der Ukraine… Heuchler-Parade

(wobei ich nicht verstehe, worin das Versagen der zynischen Kräfte liegen soll)

Pepe Escobar@RealPepeEscobar·4 Std.

The German government is weaponizing Ukro neo-Nazis with the intent of killing Russians. Looks like no one told this woke collection of stale bratwursts how it all ended up last time.

Sieht so aus, als hätte niemand dieser woken Ansammlung von abgestandenen Bratwürsten gesagt, wie es das letzte Mal endete.

John Pilger@johnpilger·23 Std.

News you won’t read. On Thursday, Putin reportedly offered peace if Ukraine embraced neutrality and rejected Nato’s arms.
Ukraine’s president Zelensky was elected in 2019 largely by ethnic Russians on a platform to make peace with Russia.

Nachrichten, die Sie nicht lesen werden. Am Donnerstag hat Putin Berichten zufolge Frieden angeboten, wenn die Ukraine sich zur Neutralität bekennt und die Waffen der Nato ablehnt.
Der ukrainische Präsident Zelensky wurde 2019 vor allem von ethnischen Russen gewählt, die sich für einen Frieden mit Russland einsetzen.

John Pilger@johnpilger·12 Std.

The invasion of a sovereign state is lawless and wrong. A failure to understand the cynical forces that provoked the invasion of Ukraine insults the victims.
Please read this:

DIANA JOHNSTONE: US Foreign Policy Is a Cruel Sport

Bear baiting was long ago banned as inhumane. Yet today, a version is being practiced every day against whole nations on a gigantic international scale.  By Diana Johnstone in Paris Special to…

Die Invasion eines souveränen Staates ist gesetzlos und falsch. Das Versagen, die zynischen Kräfte zu verstehen, die die Invasion in der Ukraine provoziert haben, beleidigt die Opfer.
Bitte lesen Sie dies:
DIANA JOHNSTONE: US-Außenpolitik ist ein grausamer Sport
Die Bärenhetze wurde vor langer Zeit als unmenschlich verboten. Doch heute wird eine Version davon jeden Tag gegen ganze Nationen in einem gigantischen internationalen Ausmaß praktiziert.
Von Diana Johnstone in Paris Special to…

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva@dgaytandzhieva·23 Std.

The US Embassy in #Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine. I have published all these documents (now deleted by the Embassy) here

Die US-Botschaft in der #Ukraine hat gerade alle Dokumente über 11 vom Pentagon finanzierte Biolabore in der Ukraine von ihrer Website gelöscht. Ich habe alle diese (jetzt von der Botschaft gelöschten) Dokumente hier veröffentlicht

and in the thread below

Diesen Thread anzeigen

John Pilger@johnpilger·24. Feb.

The Hypocrites on parade. Watch them on CNN, the BBC, read them wall-to-wall. Now imagine a strategic enclave of Britons, or French, or Germans, or Americans under violent siege – shelled and terrorised – for eight years. Would this be tolerated by the rulers of the world?

Die Heuchler-Parade. Man sieht sie auf CNN, der BBC, liest sie von Wand zu Wand. Stellen Sie sich eine strategische Enklave von Briten, oder von Franzosen, oder von Deutschen oder von Amerikanern vor, die acht Jahre lang heftig belagert, beschossen und terrorisiert wird. Würde dies von den Herrschern der Welt geduldet werden?

Zelensky 2019 vor allem von ethnischen Russen gewählt… Versagen der zynischen Kräft, die die Invasion provoziert haben… Dokumente von 11 vom Pentagon finanzierte Biolabore id Ukraine… Heuchler-Parade

Pepe Escobar@RealPepeEscobar·4 Std.

The German government is weaponizing Ukro neo-Nazis with the intent of killing Russians. Looks like no one told this woke collection of stale bratwursts how it all ended up last time.

Sieht so aus, als hätte niemand dieser woken Ansammlung von abgestandenen Bratwürsten gesagt, wie es das letzte Mal endete.

John Pilger@johnpilger·23 Std.

News you won’t read. On Thursday, Putin reportedly offered peace if Ukraine embraced neutrality and rejected Nato’s arms.
Ukraine’s president Zelensky was elected in 2019 largely by ethnic Russians on a platform to make peace with Russia.

Nachrichten, die Sie nicht lesen werden. Am Donnerstag hat Putin Berichten zufolge Frieden angeboten, wenn die Ukraine sich zur Neutralität bekennt und die Waffen der Nato ablehnt.
Der ukrainische Präsident Zelensky wurde 2019 vor allem von ethnischen Russen gewählt, die sich für einen Frieden mit Russland einsetzen.

John Pilger@johnpilger·12 Std.

The invasion of a sovereign state is lawless and wrong. A failure to understand the cynical forces that provoked the invasion of Ukraine insults the victims.
Please read this:

DIANA JOHNSTONE: US Foreign Policy Is a Cruel Sport

Bear baiting was long ago banned as inhumane. Yet today, a version is being practiced every day against whole nations on a gigantic international scale.  By Diana Johnstone in Paris Special to…

Die Invasion eines souveränen Staates ist gesetzlos und falsch. Das Versagen, die zynischen Kräfte zu verstehen, die die Invasion in der Ukraine provoziert haben, beleidigt die Opfer.
Bitte lesen Sie dies:
DIANA JOHNSTONE: US-Außenpolitik ist ein grausamer Sport
Die Bärenhetze wurde vor langer Zeit als unmenschlich verboten. Doch heute wird eine Version davon jeden Tag gegen ganze Nationen in einem gigantischen internationalen Ausmaß praktiziert.
Von Diana Johnstone in Paris Special to…

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva@dgaytandzhieva·23 Std.

The US Embassy in #Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine. I have published all these documents (now deleted by the Embassy) here

Die US-Botschaft in der #Ukraine hat gerade alle Dokumente über 11 vom Pentagon finanzierte Biolabore in der Ukraine von ihrer Website gelöscht. Ich habe alle diese (jetzt von der Botschaft gelöschten) Dokumente hier veröffentlicht

and in the thread below

Diesen Thread anzeigen

John Pilger@johnpilger·24. Feb.

The Hypocrites on parade. Watch them on CNN, the BBC, read them wall-to-wall. Now imagine a strategic enclave of Britons, or French, or Germans, or Americans under violent siege – shelled and terrorised – for eight years. Would this be tolerated by the rulers of the world?

Die Heuchler-Parade. Man sieht sie auf CNN, der BBC, liest sie von Wand zu Wand. Stellen Sie sich eine strategische Enklave von Briten, oder von Franzosen, oder von Deutschen oder von Amerikanern vor, die acht Jahre lang heftig belagert, beschossen und terrorisiert wird. Würde dies von den Herrschern der Welt geduldet werden?

Auf dem Hintergrund des folgenden Artikels muss man den Schlachtruf Bill Gates’ “Not Missiles! Microbes!” sehr ernst nehmen:

The Pentagon Bio-weapons

By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva -April 29, 201842167929

The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons. Hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens and other incurable diseases.  Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa.

Georgia as a testing ground

The Lugar Center is the Pentagon bio laboratory in Georgia. It is located just 17 km  from the US Vaziani military airbase in the capital Tbilisi. Tasked with the military program are biologists from the US Army Medical Research Unit-Georgia (USAMRU-G) along with private contractors. The Bio-safety Level 3 Laboratory is accessible only to US citizens with security clearance. They are accorded diplomatic immunity under the 2002 US-Georgia Agreement on defense cooperation.

The Lugar Center, Republic of Georgia
The US Army has been deployed to Vaziani Military Air Base, 17 km from the Pentagon bio-laboratory at The Lugar Center.
The USA-Georgia agreement accords diplomatic status to the US military and civilian personnel (including diplomatic vehicles), working on the Pentagon program in Georgia.

Information obtained from the US federal contracts registry clarifies some of the military activities at The Lugar Center – among them research on bio-agents (anthrax, tularemia) and viral diseases (e.g. Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever), and the collection of biological samples for future experiments.

Pentagon contractors produce bio agents under diplomatic cover

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has outsourced much of the work under the military program to private companies, which are not held accountable to  Congress, and which can operate more freely and move around the rule of law.  US civilian personnel performing work at The Lugar Center have also been given diplomatic immunity, although they are not diplomats. Hence, private companies can perform work, under diplomatic cover, for the US government without being under the direct control of the host state – in this case  the Republic of Georgia. This practice is often used by the CIA to provide cover for its agents. Three private American companies work at the US bio-laboratory in Tbilisi – CH2M Hill, Battelle and Metabiota. In addition to the Pentagon, these private contractors perform research for the CIA and various other government agencies.

CH2M Hill has been awarded $341.5 million DTRA contracts under the Pentagon’s program for bio-laboratories in Georgia, Uganda, Tanzania, Iraq, Afghanistan, South East Asia. Half of this sum ($161.1 million), being allocated to The Lugar Center, under the Georgian contract. According to CH2M Hill, the US Company has secured biological agents and employed former bio warfare scientists at The Lugar Center. These are scientists who are working for another American company involved in the military program in Georgia – Battelle Memorial Institute.

Battelle as a $59 million subcontractor at Lugar Center has extensive experience in research on bio-agents, as the company has already worked on the US Bio-weapons Program under 11 previous contracts with the US Army (1952-1966).Source: US Army Activities in the US, Biological Warfare Programs, vol. II, 1977, p. 82

The private company performs work for the Pentagon’s DTRA bio laboratories in Afghanistan, Armenia, Georgia, Uganda, Tanzania, Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. Battelle conducts research, development, testing, and evaluation using both highly toxic chemicals and highly pathogenic biological agents for a wide range of US government agencies. It has been awarded some $2 billion federal contracts in total and ranks 23 on the Top 100 US government contractors list.

The CIA-Battelle Project Clear Vision

Project Clear Vision (1997 and 2000), a joint investigation by the CIA and the Battelle Memorial Institute, under a contract awarded by the Agency, reconstructed and tested a Soviet-era anthrax bomblet in order to test its dissemination characteristics. The project’s stated goal was to assess bio-agents dissemination characteristics of bomblets. The clandestine CIA-Battelle operation was omitted from the US Biological Weapons Convention declarations submitted to the UN.

Top Secret Experiments

Battelle has operated a Top Secret Bio laboratory (National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center – NBACC) at Fort Detrick, Maryland under a US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contract for the last decade. The company has been awarded a $344.4 million federal contract (2006 – 2016) and another $17.3 million  contract (2015 -2026) by DHS.

NBACC is classified as a US Top Secret facility. Photo credit: DHS

Amongst the secret experiments, performed by Battelle at NBACC, are: Assessment of powder dissemination technology Assessment of hazard posed by aerosolized toxins  and Assessment of virulence of B. Pseudomallei (Meliodosis) as a function of aerosol particle in non-human primates. Melioidosis has the potential to be developed as a biological weapon, hence, it is classed as a category B. Bioterrorism Agent.  B. Pseudomallei was studied by the US as a potential bioweapon in the past.

Besides the military experiments at the Lugar Center in Georgia, Battelle has already produced bioterrorism agents at the Biosafety Level 4 NBACC Top Secret Laboratory at Fort Detrick in the US. A NBACC presentation lists 16 research priorities for the lab. Amongst them to characterize classical, emerging and genetically engineered pathogens for their BTA (biological threat agent) potential; assess the nature of nontraditional, novel and non-endemic induction of disease from potential BTA and to expand aerosol-challenge testing capacity for non-human primates.

Scientists engineer pathogens at the NBACC lab. Photo credit: NBACC

The US Company Metabiota Inc. has been awarded $18.4 million federal contracts under the Pentagon’s DTRA program in Georgia and Ukraine for scientific and technical consulting services. Metabiota services include global field-based biological threat research, pathogen discovery, outbreak response and clinical trials. Metabiota Inc. had been contracted by the Pentagon to perform work for DTRA before and during the Ebola crisis in West Africa and was awarded $3.1 million (2012-2015) for work in Sierra Leone – one of the countries at the epicenter of the Ebola outbreak.

Metabiota worked on a Pentagon’s project at the epicenter of the Ebola crisis, where three US biolabs are situated.

July 17, 2014 report drafted by the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium, accused Metabiota Inc. of failing to abide by an existing agreement on how to report test results and for bypassing the Sierra Leonean scientists working there. The report also raised the possibility that Metabiota was culturing blood cells at the lab, something the report said was dangerous, as well as misdiagnosing healthy patients. All of those allegations were  denied by Metabiota.

2011,The Lugar Center, Andrew C. Weber (on the right) – US Assistant Secretary of Defense (2009-2014), US DoD Deputy Coordinator for Ebola Response (2014-2015), is currently a Metabiota ( the US contractor) employee.

Military Experiments on biting insects

Entomological warfare is a type of biological warfare that uses insects to transmit diseases. The Pentagon has allegedly performed such entomological tests in Georgia and Russia. In 2014 The Lugar Center was equipped with an insect facility and launched a project “Raising Awareness about Barcoding of Sand Flies in Georgia and Caucasus”. The project covered a larger geographic area outside of Georgia – Caucasus. In 2014-2015 Phlebotomine sand fly species were collected under another project “Surveillance Work on Acute Febrile Illness” and all (female) sand flies were tested to determine their infectivity rate. A third project, also including sand flies collection, studied the characteristics their salivary glands.

             A biting fly in a bathroom in Tbilisi (photo 1), flies in Georgia (photo 2, 3)

As a result Tbilisi has been infested with biting flies since 2015. These biting insects live indoors, in bathrooms, all year long, which was not the typical behaviour of these species in Georgia previously (normally the Phlebotomine fly season in Georgia is exceptionally short – from June to September). Local people complain of being bitten by these newly appeared flies while naked in their bathrooms. They also have a strong resistance to cold and can survive even in the sub-zero temperatures in the mountains.

Biting Flies in Dagestan, Russia

 Since the start of the Pentagon project in 2014 flies similar to those in Georgia have appeared in neighboring Dagestan (Russia). According to local people, they bite and cause rashes. Their breeding habitats are house drains.

                                     Flies in Georgia (on the left). The same species in Dagestan (on the right)

Flies from the Phlebotomine family carry dangerous parasites in their saliva which they transmit through a bite to humans. The disease, which these flies carry, is of high interest to the Pentagon. In 2003 during the US invasion of Iraq American soldiers were severely bitten by sand flies and contracted Leishmoniasis. The disease is native to Iraq and Afghanistan and if left untreated the acute form of Leishmoniasis can be fatal.

1967 US Army report “Arthropods of medical importance in Asia and the European USSR” lists all local insects, their distribution and the diseases that they carry. Biting flies, which live in drains, are also listed in the document. Their natural habitats, though, are the Philippines, not Georgia or Russia.

Source: “Arthropods of medical importance in Asia and the European USSR”, US Army report, 1967

Operation Whitecoat: Infected flies tested to bite humans

Sand fly

In 1970 and 1972, Sand Fly Fever tests were performed on humans according to a declassified US Army report – US Army Activities in the US, Biological Warfare Programs, 1977, vol. II, p. 203. During operation Whitecoat volunteers were exposed to bites by infected sand flies. Operation Whitecoat was a bio-defense medical research program carried out by the US Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland between 1954 and 1973.

Despite the official termination of the US bio-weapons program, in 1982 USAMRIID performed an experiment if sand flies and mosquitoes could be vectors of Rift Valley Virus, Dengue, Chikungunya and Eastern Equine Encephalitis – viruses, which the US Army researched for their potential as bio-weapons.

Killer Insects

A. Aegupti

The Pentagon has a long history in using insects as vectors for diseases. According to a partially declassified 1981 US Army report, American bio warfare scientists carried out a number of experiments on insects. These operations were part of the US Entomological Warfare under the Program for Biological Weapons of the US.

The Pentagon: How to kill 625,000 people for just $0.29 cost per death

A US Army report in 1981 compared two scenarios – 16 simultaneous attacks on a city by A. Aegupti mosquitoes, infected with Yellow Fever, and Tularemia aerosol attack, and assesses their effectiveness in cost and casualties.

Operation Big Itch: Field tests were performed to determine coverage patterns and survivability of the tropical rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis for use as a disease vector in biological warfare.

Operation Big Buzz: 1 million A. Aeugupti mosquitoes were produced, 1/3 were placed in munitions and dropped from aircraft, or dispersed on the ground. The mosquitoes survived the airdrop and actively sought out human blood.

Source: Evaluation of Entomological Warfare as a potential Danger to the US and European NATO nations, US Army, March 1981 Report

Operation May Day: Aedes Aegupti mosquitoes were dispersed through ground based methods in Georgia, USA, during a US Army operation codenamed May Day.

Parts of the 1981 US Army report such as the “Mass production of Aedes Aegypti” have not been declassified, potentially meaning that the project is still ongoing.

Aedes Aegyptialso known as yellow fever mosquito, have been widely used in US military operations. The same species of mosquitoes are alleged to be the vectors of dengue, chikungunya and the Zika virus, which causes genetic malformations in newborns.

Operation Bellweather  

The US Army Chemical Research and Development Command, Biological Weapons Branch, studied outdoor mosquito biting activity in a number of field tests at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, in 1960. Virgin female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which had been starved, were tested upon troops out in the open air.

   For reference: Outdoor Mosquito Biting Activity Studies, Project Bellweather I, 1960, Technical Report, US Army, Dugway Proving Ground

Military Experiments with Tropical Mosquitoes and Ticks in Georgia

Such species of mosquitoes and fleas (studied in the past under the US Entomological Warfare Program) have also been collected in Georgia and tested at The  Lugar Center.

Under the DTRA project “Virus and Other Arboviruses in Georgia” in 2014 the  never-before-seen tropical mosquito Aedes albopictus was detected for the first time and after decades (60 years) the existence of Aedes Aegypti mosquito was confirmed in West Georgia.

Aedes Albopictus is a vector of many viral pathogens, Yellow fever virus, Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika.

These tropical mosquitoes Aedes Albopictus having never been seen before in Georgia, have also been detected in neighboring Russia (Krasnodar) and Turkey, according to data provided by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Their spread is unusual for this part of the world.

Aedes Aegupti Mosquitoes have been distributed only in Georgia, Southern Russia and Northern Turkey. They were detected for the first time in 2014 after the start of the Pentagon program at The Lugar Center.

Under another DTRA project  “Epidemiology and Ecology of Tularemia in Georgia” (2013-2016)  6,148 ground ticks were collected ; 5,871 were collected off the cattle and 1,310 fleas and 731 ticks were caught. In 2016 a further 21 590 ticks were collected and studied at The Lugar Center.

Anthrax Outbreak in Georgia and NATO Human Trials

In 2007 Georgia ended its policy of having compulsory annual livestock anthrax vaccination. As a result, the morbidity rate of the disease reached its peak in 2013. The same year NATO started human based anthrax vaccine tests at The Lugar Center in Georgia.

     In 2007 despite the anthrax outbreak the Georgian government terminated the compulsory vaccination for 7 years, 2013 saw NATO start human trials on a new anthrax vaccine in Georgia.

Pentagon Research on Russian Anthrax 

Anthrax is one of the bio agents weaponized by the US Army in the past. Despite the Pentagon’s claims that its program is only defensive, there are facts to the contrary. In 2016 at The Lugar Center American scientists carried out research on the “Genome Sequence of the Soviet/Russian Bacillus anthracis Vaccine Strain 55-VNIIVViM”, which was funded by the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Cooperative Biological Engagement Program in Tbilisi, and administered by Metabiota (the US contractor under the Pentagon program in Georgia).

In 2017 the  DTRA funded further research – Ten Genome Sequences of Human and Livestock Isolates of Bacillus anthracis from the Country of Georgia, which was performed by USAMRU-G at The  Lugar Center.

34 people infected with Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) in Georgia

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is caused by infection through a tick-borne virus (Nairovirus). The disease was first characterized in Crimea in 1944 and given the name Crimean hemorrhagic fever. It was then later recognized in 1969 as the cause of illness in Congo, thus resulting in the current name of the disease. In 2014 34 people became infected (among which a 4-year old child) with CCHF. 3 of which died. The same year Pentagon biologists studied the virus in Georgia under the DTRA project “Epidemiology of febrile illnesses caused by Dengue viruses and other Arboviruses in Georgia. The project included tests on patients with fever symptoms and the collection of ticks, as possible vectors of CCHV for laboratory analysis.

34 people became infected with CCHF, 3 of them died in Georgia. Source: NCDC-Georgia

The cause of the CCHF outbreak in Georgia is still unknown. According to the local Veterinary Department report, only one tick from all of the collected species from the infected villages tested positive for the disease. Despite the claims of the local authorities that the virus was transmitted to humans from animals, all animal blood samples were negative too. The lack of infected ticks and animals is inexplicable given the sharp increase of CCHF human cases in 2014, meaning that the outbreak was not natural and the virus was spread intentionally.

In 2016 another 21 590 ticks were collected for DNA database for future studies at The Lugar Center under the Pentagon project “Assessing the Seroprevalence and Genetic Diversity of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV) and Hantaviruses in Georgia”.

Symptoms of CCHF

Military bio-lab blamed for deadly CCHF outbreak in Afghanistan

237 cases of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) have also been reported across Afghanistan, 41 of which were fatal as of December 2017. According to Afghanistan’s Ministry of Health most of the cases have been registered in the capital Kabul where 71 cases have been reported with 13 fatalities, and in the province of Herat near the border with Iran (67 cases).

Afghanistan is one of 25 countries across the world with Pentagon bio-laboratories on their territory. The project in Afghanistan is part of the US bio-defense program – Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), which is funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The DTRA contractors, working at The Lugar Center in Georgia, CH2M Hill and Battelle have also been contracted for the program in Afghanistan. CH2M Hill has been awarded a $10.4 million contract (2013-2017). The Pentagon contractors in Afghanistan and Georgia are the same and so are the diseases which are spreading among the local population in both countries.

Why the Pentagon collects and studies bats

Bats are allegedly the reservoir hosts to the Ebola Virus , Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and other deadly diseases. However, the precise ways these viruses are transmitted to humans are currently unknown. Numerous studies have been performed under the DTRA Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) in a search for deadly pathogens of military importance in bats.

                                 221 bats were euthanized at the Lugar Center for research purposes in 2014.

Bats have been blamed for the deadly Ebola outbreak in Africa (2014-2016). However, no conclusive evidence of exactly how the virus “jumped” to humans has ever been provided, which raises suspicions of intentional and not natural infection.

Engineering deadly viruses is legal in the US

MERS-CoV  is thought to originate from bats and spread directly to humans and/or camels. However, like Ebola, the precise ways the virus spreads are unknown. 1,980 cases with 699 deaths were reported in 15 countries across the world (as of June 2017) caused by MERS-CoV.

       3 to 4 out of every 10 patients reported with MERS have died (Source: WHO)

MERS-CoV is one of the viruses that have been engineered by the US and studied by the Pentagon, as well as Influenza and SARS. Confirmation of this practice is   Obama’s 2014 temporary ban on government funding for such “dual-use” research. The moratorium was lifted in 2017 and experiments have continued. Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens (PPPs) experiments are legal in the US. Such experiments aim to increase the transmissibility and/or virulence of pathogens.

Tularemia as Bioweapon

F. Tularensis is a highly infectious bacterium and has the potential to be weaponized for use through aerosol attacks.

Tularemia, also known as Rabbit Fever, is classified as a bioterrorism agent and was developed in the past as such by the US. However, the Pentagon’s research on tularemia continues, as well as on possible vectors of the bacteria such as ticks and rodents which cause the disease. The DTRA has launched a number of projects on Tularemia along with other especially dangerous pathogens in Georgia. Especially Dangerous Pathogens (EDPs), or select agents, represent a major concern for the  public health globally. These highly pathogenic agents have the potential to be weaponized with proof of their military importance seen through the following Pentagon projects: Epidemiology and Ecology of Tularemia in Georgia (2013-2016)   (60 000 vectors were collected for strain isolates and genome research); Epidemiology of Human Tularemia in Georgia and Human Disease Epidemiology and Surveillance of Especially Dangerous Pathogens in Georgia (study of select agents among patients with undifferentiated fever and hemorrhagic fever/septic shock).

   Tularemia is one of the bio-weapons that the US Army developed in the past. Source: 1981 US Army Report

Pentagon bio-laboratories spread diseases in Ukraine

The DoD Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has funded 11 bio-laboratories in the former Soviet Union Country Ukraine, bordering on Russia.

The US military program is sensitive information

Ukraine has no control over the military bio-laboratories on its own territory. According to the 2005 Agreement between the US DoD and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine the Ukrainian government is prohibited from public disclosure of sensitive information about the US program and Ukraine is obliged to transfer to the US Department of Defense (DoD) dangerous pathogens for biological research. The Pentagon has been granted access to certain state secrets of Ukraine in connection with the projects under their agreement. 

Biowarfare scientists under diplomatic cover

Among the set of bilateral agreements between the US and Ukraine is the establishment of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) – an International organization funded mainly by the US government which has been accorded diplomatic status. The STCU officially supports projects of scientists previously involved in the Soviet biological weapons program. Over the past 20 years the STCU has invested over $285 million in funding and managing some 1,850 projects of scientists who previously worked on the development of weapons of mass destruction.

The US personnel in Ukraine work under diplomatic cover.

364 Ukrainians died from Swine Flu

One of the Pentagon laboratories is located in Kharkiv, where in January 2016 at least 20 Ukrainian soldiers died from Flu-like virus in just two days with 200 more being hospitalized. The Ukrainian government did not report on the dead Ukrainian soldiers in Kharkiv. As of March 2016  364 deaths have been reported across Ukraine (81.3 % caused by Swine Flu A (H1N1) pdm09 – the same strain which caused the world pandemic in 2009).

       According to DPR intelligence information the US bio lab in Kharkiv leaked the deadly virus.

Police investigate infection with incurable disease

A highly suspicious Hepatitis A infection  spread rapidly in just few months across South East Ukraine where most of the Pentagon biolabs are located.

37 people have been hospitalized for Hepatitis A in the Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv as of January 2018. Local police have launched an investigation into “infection with human immunodeficiency virus and other incurable diseases”. Three years ago more than 100 people in the same city became infected with Cholera. Both diseases are alleged to have spread through contaminated drinking water.

In the summer of 2017 60 people with Hepatitis A were admitted to hospital in the city of Zaporizhia, the cause of this outbreak is still unknown.

In the Odessa region, 19 children from an orphanage were hospitalized for hepatitis A in June 2017.

29 cases of Hepatitis A were reported in Kharkiv in November 2017. The virus was isolated in contaminated drinking water. One of the Pentagon bio-labs is located in Kharkiv which was blamed for the deadly Flu outbreak a year ago which claimed the lives of 364 Ukrainians.

Ukraine and Russia hit by new highly virulent cholera infection

In 2011 Ukraine was hit by a cholera outbreak33 patients were reportedly hospitalized for severe diarrhea. A second outbreak struck the country in 2014 when more than 800 people all across Ukraine were reported to have contracted the disease. In 2015 at least 100 new cases were registered in the city of Mykolaiv alone.

Vibrio cholera

A new highly virulent variant of the cholera agent Vibrio cholera, with a high genetic similarity to the strains reported in Ukraine, hit Moscow in 2014.  According to a 2014 Russian Research Anti-Plaque Institute genetic study the cholera strain isolated in Moscow was similar to the bacteria  which caused the epidemic in neighboring Ukraine.

Southern Research Institute, one of the US contractors working at the bio-laboratories in Ukraine, has projects on Cholera, as well as on Influenza and Zika – all pathogens of military importance to the Pentagon.

Along with Southern Research Institute, two other private American companies operate  military bio-labs in Ukraine – Black&Veatch and Metabiota.

Black & Veatch Special Project Corp. was awarded $198.7 million DTRA contracts to build and operate bio-laboratories in Ukraine (under two 5-year contracts in 2008 and 2012 totaling $128.5 million), as well as in Germany, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Thailand, Ethiopia, Vietnam and Armenia.

Metabiota has been awarded a $18.4 million federal contract under the program in Georgia and Ukraine. This US company was also contracted to perform work for the DTRA before and during the Ebola crisis in West Africa, the company was awarded $3.1 million (2012-2015) for work in Sierra Leone .

Southern Research Institute has been a prime subcontractor under the DTRA program in Ukraine since 2008. The company was also a prime Pentagon contractor in the past under the US Biological Weapons Program for research and development of bio-agents with 16 contracts between 1951 and 1962.

                                          Source: US Army Activities in the US, Biological Warfare Programs, vol. II, 1977, p. 82

Soviet Defector produced anthrax for the Pentagon

Southern Research Institute was also a subcontractor on a Pentagon program for anthrax research in 2001. The prime contractor being Advanced Biosystems, whose president at that time was Ken Alibek (a former Soviet microbiologist and biological warfare expert from Kazakhstan who defected to the US in 1992).

Ken Alibek

Ken Alibek was the First Deputy Director of Biopreparat, where he oversaw a program for biological weapon facilities and was the Soviet Union’s main expert on anthrax. After his defection to the US, he was engaged on Pentagon research projects.

$250 000 for lobbying Jeff Sessions for “research for US intelligence”

Southern Research Institute lobbied  the US Congress and US Department of State hard for “issues related to research and development for US intelligence” and “defense related research and development”. The lobbying activities coincided with the start of the Pentagon projects on bio-labs in Ukraine and other former Soviet states.

The company paid $ 250 000 for lobbying the then Senator Jeff Sessions in 2008-2009 (currently the US Attorney General appointed by Donald Trump), when the institute was awarded a number of federal contracts.

      US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, US Senator from Alabama (1997-2017)

Watson Donald

For a 10-year period (2006-2016) Southern Research Institute paid $1.28 million for lobbying the US Senate, House of Representatives , the State Department and the Department of Defense (DoD). Senator Jeff Sessions’ aide on Capitol Hill – Watson Donald, is now a Senior Director at Southern Research Institute.

Police investigate Botulism toxin poisoning in Ukraine

115 Botulism cases, with 12 deaths, were reported in Ukraine in 2016. In 2017 the Ukrainian Ministry of Health confirmed a further 90 new cases, with 8 deaths, of botulinum toxin poisoning (one of the most poisonous biological substances known). According to the local health authorities, the cause of the outbreak was food poisoning into which  police launched an investigation. The Pentagon biolaboratories in Ukraine were among the prime suspects, as botulinum toxin is one of the bioterrorism agents which have already been produced at a Pentagon bioweapons facility in the US. (see below)

The Ukrainian government stopped supplying antitoxin in 2014 and no botulism vaccines in stock were available during the 2016-2017 outbreak. 

Botulism is a rare and extremely dangerous illness caused by a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.

1 gm of the toxin can kill as many as 1 million people 

Botulinum neurotoxin poses a major bio-weapon threat because of its extreme potency, ease of production and transport. It causes muscles paralyses, respiratory failure and ultimately death if not treated immediately. A single gram of crystalline toxin, evenly dispersed and inhaled can kill more than one million people. It could be disseminated via aerosol, or by contamination of water and/ or food supplies.

The Pentagon produces live Viruses, Bacteria & Toxins

Botulinum Toxin was tested as a bio-weapon by the US Army in the past, as well as Anthrax, Brucella and Tularemia. Although the US bio-weapons program was officially terminated in 1969 documents show that the military experiments have never ended. Presently the Pentagon produces and tests live bio- agents at the same military facility as it did in the past – Dugway Proving Ground.

Current Field Tests

                               Source: Capabilities Report 2012, West Desert Test Center

Past Field Tests

                                Source: 1977 US Army Report, p. 135

Bioweapons factory in the US

The US Army produces and tests bio-agents at a special military facility located at Dugway Proving Ground (West Desert Test Center, Utah), as proven in a 2012 US Army Report. The facility is overseen by the Army Test and Evaluation Command.

 The Life Sciences Division (LSD) at Dugway Proving Ground is tasked with the production of bio-agents. According to the Army report, scientists from this division produce and test aerosolized bio-agents at Lothar Saloman Life Sciences Test Facility (LSTF).

Lothar Saloman Life Sciences Test Facility (LSTF) where bio-terrorism agents are produced and aerosolized. Photo Credit: Dugway Proving Ground
Biological Agents produced by the US Army at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, USA
Source: Capabilities Report 2012, West Desert Test Center

The Life Sciences Division consists of an Aerosol Technology branch and a Microbiology Branch. The Aerosol Technology Branch aerosolizes biological agents and simulants. The Microbiology branch produces toxins, bacteria, viruses and agent-like organisms which are used in chamber and field testing.

The fermentation laboratories at the Life Sciences Test Facility grow bacteria in fermentors ranging from a small 2 L to a large 1500 L system.  The fermentors are tailored specifically to the requirements of the microorganism that is being engineered – pH, temperature, light, pressure, and nutrient concentrations that give the microorganism optimal growth rates.

A large 1500 L fermentator
A post-production laboratory dries and mills test materials. Photos credit: Dugway Proving Ground

After the bio-agents are produced, the scientists challenge them at containment aerosol chambers.

  Technicians disseminate live biological agents for identification sensitivity tests (photos: Dugway Proving Ground)

Aerosol experiments with Botulinum Neurotoxin and Anthrax

Documents prove that the US Army produces, possesses and tests aerosols of the most lethal toxin in the world – Botulinum Neurotoxin. In 2014 the Department of the Army purchased 100 mg of Botulinum Toxin from Metabiologics for tests at Dugway Proving Ground.

The experiments date back to 2007 when an unspecified quantity of the toxin was procured to the Department of the Army by the same company – Metabiologics. According to the 2012 West Desert Test Center Report, the military facility performs tests with Botulinum Neurotoxin Aerosol, as well as with aerosolized Anthrax, Yersinia pestis, and Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus (VEE).

Source: Capabilities Report 2012, West Desert Test Center

Outdoor field test programs at Dugway Proving Ground

US Army documents and photos show that the Pentagon has developed various dissemination methods for bioterrorism attacks including by explosives.

Source: Capabilities Report 2012, West Desert Test Center
Dissemination of contaminants for biological/chemical tests. Photo credit: Dugway Proving Ground
Dissemination of simulants by explosives. Photo Credit: Dugway Proving Ground
Liquid Dissemination
Powder Dissemination
Dissemination on the test grid. Photos Credit: Dugway Proving Ground
Aerosol Sprayer

The US Army report lists numerous dissemination techniques including by bio-aerosol sprayers. Such sprayers called Micronair disseminators have already been developed by the US Army and tested at Dugway Proving Ground. According to the documents, they can be vehicle-mounted, or worn as a backpack, with a pump system which can be fitted to the unit to increase the accuracy of the release. Micronair sprayers can release 50 to 500 mL of bio-liquid simulant per minute from 12 L tanks.

The US stole bacteria from Saddam Hussein’s bio weapons factory

Bacillus thuringiensis

Bacillus thuringiensis is an insect pathogen that is widely used as a bio-pesticide. B. thuringiensis (BT) Al Hakam was collected in Iraq by the UN Special Commission led by the US in 2003. It is named after Al Hakam – Iraq’s  bio-weapons production facility. Apart from Pentagon field tests, this bacterium is also used in the US for the production of GM corn, resistant to pests. Photos posted by the CIA prove that the bacteria was collected by the US in Iraq. According to the CIA, the vials containing bio-pesticide, were recovered from an Al Hakam scientist’s home.

CIA: A total of 97 vials-including those with labels consistent with the al Hakam cover stories of single-cell protein and bio-pesticides, as well as strains that could be used to produce BW agents were recovered from a scientist’s residence in Iraq in 2003. Photo credit: CIA

Information from the US federal contracts registry shows that the Pentagon performs tests using the bacteria stolen from Saddam Hussein’s bio-weapons factory in Iraq.

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) federal project for laboratory analysis and field tests with bacteria. Source:

The tests are performed at Kirtland Air Force Base (Kirtland is the home of the Air Force Materiel Command’s Nuclear Weapons Center). Here weapons are being tested, meaning that the field tests with biological simulants (bacteria) also fall into this group.

The DTRA contractor on this project – Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute (LBERI), operates an Animal Bio-safety 3 Level (ABSL-3) laboratory which has Select Agent status. The facility is designed to conduct bioaerosol studies. The company has been awarded a 5-year contract for field tests with biological simulants at Kirtland Air Force Base.

Photo Credit: Kirtland Air Force Base
Some of the tests are performed in a wind tunnel. Photo credit: Dugway Proving Ground

Field tests with Biological Simulants (bacteria)

What the Pentagon is now doing is exactly what it did in the past, meaning that its bio-weapons program was never terminated. The US Army performed 27 field tests with such biological simulants, involving the public domain from 1949 to 1968, when President Nixon officially announced the end of the program.

  Source: US Army Activities in the US, Biological Warfare Programs, vol. II, 1977, p. 125-126

Field tests in Chechnya

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which runs the US military program at the Lugar Center in Georgia, is alleged to have already performed field tests with an unknown substance in Chechnya, Russia. In the spring of 2017 local citizens reported on a drone disseminating white powder close to the Russian border with Georgia. Neither the Georgian border police, nor the US personnel operating on the Georgia-Russia border, commented on this information.

$9.2 million US military project on Russia-Georgia border

DTRA has full access to the Russia-Georgia border, granted under a military program called “Georgia Land Border Security Project”. The activities, related to the project have been outsourced to a private American company – Parsons Government Services International. DTRA has previously contracted Parsons for similar border security projects in Lebanon, Jordan, Libya and Syria. Parsons have been awarded a $9.2 million contract under the Pentagon border security project on the Russia-Georgia border.

Local citizens in Chechnya noticed a UAV sprayer near the Russian border with Georgia in 2017.

US Defense Agency tests GM Insects to transmit GM Viruses

The Pentagon has invested at least $65 million in gene editing. The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded 7 research teams to develop tools for genome engineering in insects, rodents and bacteria under DARPA’s Safe Gene program, using a novel CRISPR-Cas9 technology.

Under another military program –Insect Allies, GM insects are engineered to transfer modified genes to plants. The $10.3 million DARPA project includes both gene editing in insects and in the viruses that they transmit. Ecological Niche-preference Engineering is a third ongoing military program for genome engineering in insects. The Pentagon’s stated objective is to engineer GM organisms so that they can resist certain temperatures, change their habitat and food sources.


Genetically engineered humans

Besides gene editing in insects and in the viruses they transmit, the Pentagon wants to engineer humans as well. DARPA Advanced Tools for Mammalian Genome Engineering Project seeks to create a biological platform inside the human body, using it to deliver new genetic information, and thus altering humans at the DNA level.

DARPA wants to insert an additional 47th artificial chromosome into human cells. This chromosome will deliver new genes that will be used for engineering the human body. SynPloid Biotek LLC has been awarded two contracts under the program totaling $1.1 million (2015-2016 – $ 100,600 for the first phase of the research; 2015-2017 – $ 999,300 for work which is not specified in the federal contracts registry. The company has only two employees and no previous record on bio-research.

Top Secret Research on Synthetic Viruses

Between 2008 and 2014, the United States invested approximately $820 million in synthetic biology research, Defense being a major contributor. Most of the military projects on synthetic biology are classified, among them are a number of classified studies by the secretive JASON group of US military advisors – e.g. Emerging Viruses and Genome Editing for the Pentagon, and Synthetic Viruses for the National Counterterrorism Center.

JASON is an independent scientific advisory group that provides consulting services to the U.S. government on matters of defense science and technology. It was established in 1960 and most of their resulting JASON reports are classified. For administrative purposes, the JASON’s projects are run by the MITRE Corporation, which has contracts with the Defense Department, CIA and the FBI. Since 2014 MITRE has been awarded some $27.4 million in contracts with the DoD.

Although the JASON Reports are classified, another US Air Force study titled Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Pathogens, sheds some light on what the secretive JASON group has researched – 5 groups of genetically engineered pathogens that can be used as bio-weapons. These are binary biological weapons (a lethal combination of two viruses), host swapping diseases (animal viruses that “jump” to humans, like the Ebola virus), stealth viruses, and designer diseases. Designer diseases can be engineered to target a certain ethnic group, meaning that they can be used as ethnic bio-weapons.

Ethnic Bioweapons

Ethnic biological weapon (biogenetic weapon) is a theoretical weapon that aims to primarily harm people of specific ethnicities, or genotypes.
Although officially the research and development of ethnic bio-weapons have never been publicly confirmed, documents show that the US collects biological material from certain ethnic groups – Russians and Chinese.

The US Air Force has been specifically collecting Russian RNA and synovial tissue samples, raising fears in Moscow of a covert US ethnic bio-weapons program.


Apart from Russians, the US has been collecting biological material from both healthy and cancer patients in China. The National Cancer Institute has collected biological samples from 300 subjects from Linxian, Zhengzhou, and Chengdu in China. While another federal project, titled Serum Metabolic biomarkers discovery study of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in China, includes analysis of 349 serum samples which have been collected from Chinese patients.

The US National Cancer Institute has been collecting biological material from patients of the Chinese Cancer Hospital in Beijing.

Chinese biological material has been collected under a series of federal projects including saliva and cancer tissue. Among them, Genotyping DNA Samples from Lymphoma cases and from controls (healthy patients), Breast cancer tissue blocks from breast cancer patients, Saliva samples of 50 families who have 3 or more cases of UGI cancer, Genotype 50 SNP’S for DNA samples from the Cancer Hospital, Beijing, Genotypes from 3000 cases of gastric cancer and 3000 controls (healthy patients) in Beijing.

Tobacco Vaccines: How the Pentagon helped tobacco companies to profit from Ebola

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has invested $100 million in vaccines production from tobacco plants. The companies, involved in the project, are owned by the biggest American tobacco companies – Mediacago Incis co-owned by Philip Morris, and Kentucky BioProcessing is a subsidiary of Reynolds American which is owned by British American Tobacco. Currently they are producing Flu and Ebola vaccines from tobacco plants.

The $100 million program Blue Angel was launched as a response to the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. Medicago being awarded $21 million to produce 10, 000 million doses of an influenza vaccine within one month.

Blue Angel program manager Dr. John Julias explains: “Although there are multiple plant species and other organisms being explored as alternative protein production platforms, the US Government has continued to make an investment in tobacco-based manufacturing.”

  The plant-based vaccine production method works by isolating a specific antigen protein that triggers a human immune response from the targeted virus. A gene from the protein is transferred to bacteria, which is used to infect plants. The plants then start producing the protein that will be used for vaccinations (photos: DARPA)

It is not clear why the Pentagon chose to invest in vaccines produced from tobacco plants amongst all other plant species, which they explored. Medicago, co-owned by Philip Morris, paid $495,000 for lobbying the Department of Defensethe Congress and The Department of Health and Human Services for “funding to advance technology to support public health preparedness applications”. The Pentagon funded tobacco companies to develop new technology and to profit from vaccines.

Biological Experiments are war crimes

Article 8 of The Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court (ICC) defines biological experiments as war crimes. The US, however, is not a state party to the international treaty, and cannot be held  accountable for its war crimes.

 SharePrevious articleBulgarian journalist confronts US official over secret biolabsNext articleRare infection spreading in SwitzerlandDilyana Gaytandzhieva Gaytandzhieva is a Bulgarian investigative journalist, Middle East correspondent and founder of Arms Watch. Over the last years she has published a series of revealing reports on weapons supplies to terrorists in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Her current work is focused on documenting war crimes and illicit arms exports to war zones around the world.


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  1. Measles virus from Afghanistan blamed for deadly outbreak in Ukraine – […] is one of the 25 countries around the world with Pentagon biolaboratories on its territory. The US has been operating 11 biolaboratories in Ukraine alone. The military […]Reply
  2. 51 children hospitalized after mass poisoning in school in Ukraine – […] outbreaks has never been identified. Their number has increased dramatically since the start of the Pentagon biological research program in the former Soviet Union country, which borders on the US main rival – […]Reply
  3. 51 School Children Hospitalized After Mass Poisoning in Ukraine – 21st Century Wire […] has never been identified. Their number has increased dramatically since the start of the Pentagon biological research program in the former Soviet Union country, which borders on the US main rival – […]Reply
  4. 51 School Children Hospitalized After Mass Poisoning in Ukraine – Red Pill Project […] has never been identified. Their number has increased dramatically since the start of the Pentagon biological research program in the former Soviet Union country, which borders on the US main rival – […]Reply
  5. US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program – […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  6. US Diplomats Involved In Trafficking Of Human Blood And Pathogens For Secret Military Program […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  7. US Diplomats Concerned In Trafficking Of Human Blood And Pathogens For Secret Army Program – […] army facility is simply one of many many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 nations the world over. They’re funded by the Protection Risk Discount Company (DTRA) below a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  8. US Diplomats Involved In Trafficking Of Human Blood And Pathogens For Secret Military Program – TCNN: The Constitutional News Network […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ […]Reply
  9. US Diplomats Involved In Trafficking Of Human Blood And Pathogens For Secret Military Program – forex analytics Forex Factory provides information to professional forex traders; lightning-fast forex news; bottomless forex forum; famously-reliable forex ca […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  10. US Diplomats Involved In Trafficking Of Human Blood And Pathogens For Secret Military Program | Real Patriot News […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ […]Reply
  11. Des diplomates américains impliqués dans le trafic de sang humain et d’agents pathogènes pour un programme militaire secret | Stop Mensonges […] installation militaire n’est qu’un des nombreux biolaboratoires du Pentagone dans 25 pays à travers le monde. Ils sont financés par la Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) dans le cadre […]Reply
  12. Des diplomates américains impliqués dans le trafic de sang humain et d’agents pathogènes pour un programme militaire secret – ancienprofesseur […] installation militaire n’est qu’un des nombreux biolaboratoires du Pentagone dans 25 pays à travers le monde. Ils sont financés par la Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) dans le cadre […]Reply
  13. USAs ambassade i Georgia smugler frossent blod og virus for militære formål | […] kjemiske og bakteriologiske våpen, det såkalte Lugar Center, i Georgias hovedstad. Dette er et av USA 25 biologiske laboratorier rundt omkring i verden. De finansieres gjennom et program som kalles Defense Threat Reduction […]Reply
  14. USAs ambassade i Georgia smugler frossent blod og virus for militære formål – […] kjemiske og bakteriologiske våpen, det såkalte Lugar Center, i Georgias hovedstad. Dette er et av USA 25 biologiske laboratorier rundt omkring i verden. De finansieres gjennom et program som kalles Defense Threat Reduction […]Reply
  15. Ethnic-Specific Weapons: Leaked Documents Reveal US Diplomats in Georgia Trafficking Human Blood And Pathogens For Pentagon Biowarfare Laboratory. Dilyana Gaytandzhieva Wed, 12 Sep 2018. Comment: The following is another explosive investigative […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $2.1 […]Reply
  16. IL PENTAGONO SVILUPPA ARMI BIOLOGICHE AL CONFINE CON LA RUSSIA – Blondet & Friends […] The Pentagon Bio-weapons […]Reply
  18. IL PENTAGONO SVILUPPA ARMI BIOLOGICHE AL CONFINE CON LA RUSSIA | News of the World […] thanks to: Maurizio Blondet […]Reply
  19. US diplomats involved in the trafficking of human blood and pathogens for a secret military program – the mother natures remedies […] military installation is only one of the many biolaboratories of the Pentagon in 25 countries around the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) as part of a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  20. US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program | America Uncensored […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  21. VIDEO REPORT: US Diplomats Involved in Trafficking of Human Blood and Pathogens for Secret Military Program – Red Team News […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  22. US Diplomats Involved in Trafficking Pathogens for Secret Military Program – Conquer Fear and Live Free! […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  23. US Diplomats Involved in Trafficking Pathogens for Secret Military Program – Reconsider News […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  24. Amerikaanse diplomaten betrokken bij de handel in menselijk bloed en pathogenen voor een geheim militaire programma | Pensioenactivist […] militaire faciliteit is slechts één van de vele bio laboratoria van het Pentagon in 25 landen over de hele wereld. Ze worden gefinancierd door het Defense Threat Reduction Agency […]Reply
  25. New Info on US Bioweapons Lab in Georgia Raises Russian Concerns | Thought Crime Radio […] […]Reply
  26. Prøver USA å gjøre insekter til biologiske våpen? | […] kjemiske og bakteriologiske våpen, det såkalte Lugar Center, i Georgias hovedstad. Dette er et av USA 25 biologiske laboratorier rundt omkring i verden. De finansieres gjennom et program som kalles Defense Threat Reduction […]Reply
  27. U.S. runs bio-warfare research lab in Caucasus | Phil Ebersole’s Blog […] The Pentagon Bio-weapons by Dilyana Gaytanzhieva. […]Reply
  28. Diplomáticos estadounidenses involucrados en el tráfico de sangre humana y patógenos para programa militar secreto – Adoninas […] instalación militar es solo uno de los muchos biolaboratorios del Pentágono en 25 países de todo el mundo. Están financiados por la Agencia de Reducción de Amenazas de la Defensa (DTRA, por sus siglas en […]Reply
  29. 73 People Dead in Tbilisi, Georgia, U.S. Diplomats and a Bioweapons Lab – Abel Danger […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  30. Tajny amerykański program wojskowy. Wojna entomologiczna – Wieści z Polski […] obiekt wojskowy jest tylko jednym z wielu laboratoriów ufundowanych przez Pentagon w 25 krajach na całym świecie. Są finansowane przez Agencję […]Reply
  31. Gruziński eksperyment biologiczny | Mr Enigmatis […] obiekt wojskowy jest tylko jednym z wielu laboratoriów ufundowanych przez Pentagon w 25 krajach na całym świecie. Są finansowane przez Agencję […]Reply
  32. MÁS SOBRE GUERRA GENÉTICA: LABORATORIOS SECRETOS DEL PENTÁGONO EN GEORGIA | […] capaz de atacar genotipos específicos como, por ejemplo, los rasgos de las etnias eslavas. El objetivo de los centros de investigación es crear virus, toxinas y bacterias que atacarían even…. No debe escatimarse que una buena parte de esos laboratorios se encuentran en ex repúblicas […]Reply
  33. Más sobre guerra genética: laboratorios secretos del pentágono en Georgia | Diario Octubre […] capaz de atacar genotipos específicos como, por ejemplo, los rasgos de las etnias eslavas. El objetivo de los centros de investigación es crear virus, toxinas y bacterias que atacarían even…. No debe escatimarse que una buena parte de esos laboratorios se encuentran en ex repúblicas […]Reply
  34. US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program – TheAltWorld […] military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 […]Reply
  35. Jeff J. Brown Dilyana,I am promoting this article on my website.Bravo!Sino-best, JeffReply
  36. Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent Darpa Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak – The Greanville Post […] yet still funded by the U.S. military. Several investigators, including Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, have documented how the U.S. produces deadly viruses, bacteria and other toxins at facilities outside of the U.S. […]Reply
  37. Camile Gran trabajo .Reply
  38. Pentagon would be producing biological weapons in the Amazon Rainforest – American Patriots […] The Observatory spokesman reported that the investigations being carried out on NAMRU suggest that this base is behind the epidemic of hemorrhagic dengue in Cuba in 1981, which caused the death of hundreds of people. The hypothesis gains even more strength now that evidence is found of the use of the mosquito “aedes eagypt” (host of the virus that transmits dengue and other diseases) as a biological weapon by the Pentagon in several regions of the planet, as described in several official documents recently revealed . […]Reply
  39. Barrie VVeiss ‘Tobacco vaccines’.. Interesting.. Suggest investigating the US using tobacco virus as a bioweapon against Cuba..Reply
  40. Richard Noakes Covid-19 Patent Horrors
    By Dr. Ariyana Love
    In my latest interview with Stew Peter’s, we discussed how the “Covid-19 vaccine” ingredients listed in the patents, reveal that all these poisonous death shots are deleting genes and genetically modifying Humans for patentability.
    The Hydrogel patent US8415325B2 is listed in the Moderna patent, here. Hydrogels are also mentioned in a second Moderna patent, here. Hydrogel is listed in the Johnson & Johnson patent, here. Hydrogels are made from Graphene Oxide. Nobody can deny the evidence that Graphene Oxide is in the shots.
    All the Covid-19 “vaccine” patents mention gene deletion. All the patents except one, mention “complimentary DNA” (cDNA). cDNA is a chimeric mRNA cocktail that’s being coded into Human cells using artificial genetic sequences in cross-species genomics.
    According to the US Supreme Court ruling in 2013, altering Humans with cDNA makes them patent eligible. The court documents show that cDNA is made using modified bacterium and Supreme Court judges ruled it patent eligible. This means that a plant, animal or Human, could be patented and owned if first genetically modified with cDNA.
    Mark Steele summarized it perfectly by stating:
    In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human. Through a modified DNA or RNA vaccination, the mRNA vaccination, the person ceases to be human and becomes the OWNER of the holder of the modified GEN vaccination patent, because they have their own genome and are no longer “human” (without natural people), but “trans-human”, so a category that does not exist in Human Rights. The quality of a natural person and all related rights are lost. This applies worldwide and patents are subject to US law.
    Since 2013, all people vaccinated with GM-modified mRNAs are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state, and this applies worldwide, because GEN-POINT technology patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.”
    The court document says scientists added 4 plasmids to a bacterium. I already documented in my article entitled, “EPIGENETICS: Vaccines Are deleting Human Genes & Transfecting Cells With Ebola/Marburg,” that E. coli is the base for all these chimeric bioweapons, not viruses.
    I found E. coli listed in most of the patents. Mind you, these are genetically enhanced, antibiotic resistant bacterium, made to be them more lethal. They are then transfected into GMO parasites and Hydras. These parasites are more difficult to kill but they can be killed using specific natural protocols.
    You can eliminate the entire species with CRISPR-Cas-9 technology or completely remove genetic traits in the Human race. 
    I previously wrote about the Fauci-funded chimeric bioweapon called the Lentivirus mRNA vector in my article entitled, ” Transgenic Hydras & Parasites A Biological Weapons System For Rapid Human Cloning.” The Lentivirus bioweapon was developed in Wuhan and contains the HIV 1-3, SARS, MERS and the AIDS inducing SRV-1. It can be found in the Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, AstraZeneca and Oxford patents.
    The HIV-1 Bioweapon, which contained within the Lentivirus vector, is patented and owned by Anthony Fauci. He is a mass murdering war criminal responsible for this “Vaccine” Holocaust.
    The Pfizer patent mentions gene 69-70 deletion and mutation.
    Thermo Fischer produced a study revealing that gene deletion mutations is the cause of “vaccine” induced variants. This company is not only profiting from this “Vaccine” Holocaust but Thermo Fischer has a scientific report clearly stating that gene deletion is responsible for the Lambda, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta variants.
    SV-40 vector is a chimeric Bioweapon found in the J&J patent. It’s known to cause rapid cancer growth. The SV-40 vector is provided to J&J by Thermo Fischer. SV-40 contains Human cells, Bovine Growth Hormone (Mad Cow Disease), E. coli, and Herpes. This would explain the Herpes outbreaks after “vaccination”.
    The Pfizer patent also mentions gene 144 deletion which causes rapid cancer growth.
    I also found a patent for a “Combo kit PCR” that mentions gene deletion! So the PCR is not a test at all but implants the mRNA technology without Informed Consent, into your brain.
    The Pfizer patent mentions X / Y Chromosome inversions. Inversion of sex genes cause sterility. Since this is a depopulation/extermination and cloning agenda, the transgender Psyop begins to make sense. They want to sterilize our kids and cross-sex hormones will achieve that.
    The Moderna patent mentions folding protein and mutations (thus variants) that result in rapid aging and genetic diseases. The patent literally says this is a “Loss-of-Function” and thus, a gene deleting Bioweapon. 
    Moderna’s patents are listed on their website, here. 
    The Moderna patent says it’s using the Bovine Growth Hormone which comes from a cow disease known as Mad Cow Disease. Moderna is cloning Humans with a cow disease that becomes deadly when coded into Human cells. This is an animal disease that does NOT even affect Humans so why is Big Pharma transfecting Human cells with Bovine Growth Hormone when it’s known to induce neurological degeneration, dementia and death?
    Here’s a PCR kit patent that “tests” Humans for Mad Cow Disease. Or, does it actually transfect Humans with Mad Cow Disease using the Hydrogels?
    The Moderna patents makes “add and delete” references to RNA using cDNA templates. It also has starts codons or Open Reading Frame (ORF. These are no stop codons which means there’s no stop to the gene mutations. The variants will continue on indefinitely, passing through the Human race just as Geert Vanden Bosche said would happen.
    Without stop codons, an organism is unable to produce specific proteins. The new polypeptide (protein) chain will just grow and grow until the cell bursts or there are no more available amino acids to add to it.
    Moderna’s patent also mentions “induce triple helix formation”. This is the third strand that’s being synthetically added to Human DNA. This study shows more about how scientists are creating the triple helix formation in Humans. Here’s another study revealing the artificial triple helix.
    The Moderna “Protocol” says one in two of their shots is a Saline. So that’s a 50-50% Russian Roulette chance with your life and your health. The patent also states that Moderna is “encoding HIV-1“. Once again, that’s Fauci’s bioweapon.
    The AstraZeneca patent states an E1, E3, E4 gene deletion. As I documented earlier, these gene deletions induce AIDS, unless you get the Saline. Later the pharmaceutical cartel will be removing all Saline shots.
    The Novovax patent mentions gene deletion.
    The GlaxoSmithKline patent mentions gene deletion and says it uses H1N1, which is the same chimeric bacteria that was used to kill 500 million people in the 1918 Democide, dubbed the “Spanish Flu”, as this study reveals.
    “The trimerization domain (foldon) of T4 phage fibritin, a trimeric beta hairpin propeller, was first used in crystallization studies of the 1918 H1N1.”
    Bill Gates said to expect a Smallpox Bioweapon terror attack. Smallpox is made from the N1H1 chimeric bacterium proteins. I documented that previously.
    The patents back up what Dr. Pablo Campra’s said in his Stew Peter’s interview, that these death jabs contain Nano-biosensors. I’ll be revealing more about this from the patents very soon!
    This is not a weapons system of one country against another. This is a weapons system of the NWO against the entire Human population. The only way this ends is when we stand together as one.
    Here’s the World Freedom Alliance Notice of Liability. Any regular citizen can serve anyone with a notice of war crimes, if they are mandating or coercing you to take this poisonous shot which is in violation of your basic Human Rights and Nuremberg Codes. Since this is an international case, the Notice of Liability is served in English, country-wide. 
    See original interview with Stew Peters and Dr. Ariyana Love on Rumble, here.
    PLEASE SEE: Dr. Ariyana Love: Graphene Covid Kill Shots, Let The Evidence Speak For Itself
    Follow Red Voice Media, here.
    Follow Stew Peters Show, here.
    December 8, 2021 by Dr. Ariyana Love
    Link Here: HUMANS
  41. Kyle Young Superb work Dilyana. It’s even more pertinent now than it was when you wrote it.

Autor: Hartmut Barth-Engelbart

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