Nassers Vorschul-Diplomübergabe-Feier war mit verpflichtenden Kosten verbunden und wg. Lockdown verschoben worden. Ob im geliehenen Anzug und dem Talar mit Doktorhut für 13,50€, Rema wollte nicht, dass Nasser ausgeschlossen wird. Er sollte sich freuen über seinen Schulerfolg. Der ist die wahrhaft gigantische Leistung Remas und ihr habt mit euren Spenden dazu beigetragen. Bevor hier die Bilderserie der stolzen alleinerziehenden 25jährigen Mutter folgt, einige Zeilen aus Remas jüngsten Messenger-Mitteilungen:
A sack of rice is 25kg and it use to take us for for 1 1/2 month with Nasser at school because i used to cook once so that we could save on food but now since he’s back from school we have to be cooking from breakfast to dinner am really trying as much as possible to cut the budget but with a kid it’s hard because for him u won’t tell him what’s going on . Some weeks ago the sack kosted 25€ now it kosts 50€ …. Am paying like around 150€ for rent each month and than the balance i keep it aside for fresh source or some vegetables from the market……
Its not easy because most of those people the help they send never reaches the poor like it supposed to, in most cases it goes to some pockets to the ones in charge. but that’s from my point of view. do you remember during lockdown many people from outside donated many things like food supplies and essentials to use but we never got anything . am thankful cause you are in our life if not i don’t even know how we would have survived this far.
Its thank to you and your friends that my child has a better education and can now even go to Primary school its all because of u. I remember when i used to be to sudan till i managed to come back to Uganda there where times that we used to sleep hungry i remember i was still breastfeeding Nasser but because i didn’t had anything properly to eat i didn’t get any milk, my child was hungry and he had to look for food he was just grabbing anything he could eat
. am really thankful because of you all this become just a sad and bad memory
Which i can never forget in my life , please tell your friends not to stop. i don’t want to go back in that situation, where my child has to eat anything found on the ground because i can’t feed him. 
AM traumatized because of some part of my life , but am also grateful because i know when your there theirs hope for us.

Ich bitte euch/Sie weiter um Spenden für Hausbau & Selbstversorgergarten, Schulgeld, Lernmittel, Lebensmittel, Klamotten, Miete, Gas, Strom, Wasser, Medikamente, Klinik- & Arztrechnungen ….: entweder über den gelben PayPal:-((-Spendenknopf hier rechts oben, (dabei werden allerdings Gebühren abgezogen) deshalb besser auf mein Konto bei der
VR-Bank Büdingen-Main-Kinzig / IBAN: DE66 5066 1639 0001 1400 86 / unter dem Kennwort: „Rema“

Ich bitte euch/Sie weiter um Spenden für Hausbau & Selbstversorgergarten, Schulgeld, Lernmittel, Lebensmittel, Klamotten, Miete, Gas, Strom, Wasser, Medikamente, Klinik- & Arztrechnungen ….: entweder über den gelben PayPal:-((-Spendenknopf hier rechts oben, (dabei werden allerdings Gebühren abgezogen) deshalb besser auf mein Konto bei der
VR-Bank Büdingen-Main-Kinzig / IBAN: DE66 5066 1639 0001 1400 86 / unter dem Kennwort: „Rema“