Völkermord in der Ukraine: ein Augenzeuge berichtet

 (vorerst nur in Englisch) Genocide In Ukraine: Eye Witness Account

By Vera Graziadei

06 July, 2014 -?Veragraziadei.wordpress.com



Vera Graziadei is a British Ukrainian Russian actress and writer.

Her blog is http://veragraziadei.wordpress.com




Early this morning I call Italian writer Christian Malaparte, who’s been in Krama-torsk with American photographer Patrick Lancaster.   For the last five days, they’ve been living through heavy bombing and shelling, done by the Ukrainian army. Patrick has a lot of evidence that the army is targeting civilians and civilian homes on purpose, thereby committing gross war crimes.


Vera: How are you and Christian getting on there?

Patrick: Well, there is a little bit of confusion right now. We were – about half an hour ago – woken up by the hotel staff, the one person that have been staffing the hotel, and they told us that officially hotel is now closed, but they said we are welcome to stay as long as we want. They told us that there’s an impression in the town that later on today the Ukrainian military will be moving into the town and will take in heavy equipment.

V: So are you staying or leaving?

P: I think we are going to be staying for a while. The bombing started about five days ago. We’ve been here almost a week now. Five days ago it started in the evening. And for the last five days every day and night, the majority of time, there’s been shelling of the city. And last night there’s been really a lot of shelling between the hours of 11pm till 3am, but it sounded not quite like the days before, it sounded – i’m not really an expert on the sounds of the shells and bombs – but it sounded like it could have been a different type of ammunition, because it was a much more broader sound.

V: Oh, my God!

P: But yeah, we are going to stay here. We are actually trying to talk to the security companies here to organise us some bullet proof vests and then, once we got that organised, we are going to be going out and observing the damage and seeing if we can actually find out what’s going on.

V: Are there self-defence forces inside the city as well?

P: Yes, yes, for sure. They are in the city and they are very active this morning. We can see them walking back and forth in front of the hotel. Basically, we are in the centre of the city, in the **** Hotel (I removed the name for safety), and near the centre there are at least two different militia compounds. It’s kind of their headquarters. There are a few others throughout the city, but here are the two main ones, I believe.

It’s kind of strange, because in the last five days of the bombing and shelling, we haven’t seen a single militia compound that has actually been hit. Every building that we’ve seen been hit by the Ukrainian mortars have been civilian buildings. We personally seen at least over 40 different civilian buildings bombed, that includes a school, an orphanage – we were in an orphanage the day before yesterday that was hit – and the very many large apartment buildings, like the very big apartment buildings have been hit . Some of the apartment buildings – it’s not like the Ukrainian army miss-aimed or something like this – the same buildings when they are bombed, they hit them very hard. We spoke to one woman who said that in the night a few days ago her apartment building was hit with ten different mortars.

V: Do you think they are targeting civilian buildings on purpose?  (…)


Patrick’s other videos that document Ukrainian government’s crimes against humanity:


Apartment complex that have been heavily damaged by Ukrainian mortars 2:57



Ukrainian mortars hitting civilian homes in the city of Kramatorsk  0:45



2nd July 2014 Mortars hitting Kramatorsk   0:54



An 80 year old woman’s apartment takes a direct mortar hit   0:25



1st July Kramatorsk: destruction of civilian homes by Ukrainian mortar attack.  2:00  —  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Yaa_lZYD6o


1st July Kramatorsk: school hit with mutiple direct hots from Ukrainain mortars.   0:52



Kramatorsk city centre is getting shelled by mortars   3:50





Full text/interview see pdf-attachment and URL: www.countercurrents.org/graziadei060714.htm



Martin Zeis
globalcrisis/globalchange News


Mark Seibert (mit der WELT die LINKE säubern) gewinnt Revision ./. HaBE Bitte(t) um Spenden !

Veröffentlicht am 2. Juli 2014 von Hartmut Barth-Engelbart  http://www.barth-engelbart.de/?p=11233


Schaffen Mombach-SPRINGERS “Ruhrbarone” jetzt bei der LINKEn, was den Kohlebaronen mit ihrem Hugenberg einst bei und mit der SPD gelang?

Das Revisionsverfahren in der Sache Mark Seibert (wohl immer noch Internetbeauftragter des Bundesvorstandes & Assistent des Bundesschatzmeisters der LINKEn) gegen Hartmut Barth-Engelbart HaBE ich vor dem Berliner Kammergericht verloren. Die Veröffentlichung der Recherche-Ergebnisse zur geschäftlich-politischen Karriere des Chefs des gescheiterten (GEW-geförderten)„Gute Quelle“-Berufsschüler-Kneipen-Projekts in Gelnhausen, PDS-Wahlkampfleiter in Hessen, BAK-Shalom-Mitgründers, GAZA-Bombardierungs-Befürworters & jungeWelt-Boykott-Mitorganisators hat mir eine Reihe von Abmahnungen eingebracht & erhebliche Kosten, die ich mit meiner berufsverbotsbedingt halbierten Rente/Pension nicht alleine schultern kann.

 Das Scheitern der Revision vor dem Kammergericht bringt bei einem Streitwert von 10.000,-€ jetzt noch Mal eine erhebliche Forderungssumme: Gerichtskosten, Kosten des gegnerischen & meines Anwalts. Die Rechtsschutzversicherung zahlt keinen Pfennig.

All jene, die ich in ihrer Abwehr gegen Seibert’schen Segen unterstützt habe, wie zum Beispiel Hermann Dierkes, die LINKEn Passagiere auf den Schiffen nach GAZA, Sevim Dagdelen,  Dieter Dehm, die junge Welt, die MdBs, die dem israelischen Kriegsverbrecher die Ehrerbietung verweigert haben, …. aber auch alle anderen FreundINNeN, KollegINNen und GenossINNen bitte ich jetzt um Spenden zur Finanzierung dieses Verfahrens.

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Mit einem ziemlich hilflosen Soligruß   HaBE

 €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ ENDE MIT SPENDE €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€


Autor: Hartmut Barth-Engelbart

Autor von barth-engelbart.de

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